Camp Ripley Fishing Regulations/Rules


Click Here for The Fishing Areas Map

Camp Ripley Fishing Policy: The policies and procedures set forth herein are applicable to all persons authorized to fish on Camp 
Ripley. Minnesota fishing regulations apply to all lakes and rivers that are within or border Camp Ripley.

a. Authorized personnel:

1) Current military members in possession of a valid Military Identification Card or retired military 
members in possession of appropriate identification and their guests.
2) Civilian employees of the Department of Military Affairs (DMA) and their guests.
3) Residents on military leave. A resident that is in the armed forces of the United States, stationed 
outside of the state, and in the state on leave, may hunt and fish without a license if the resident 
possesses official military leave papers during the regulated seasons. The resident must obtain the 
seals, tags, and coupons required of a licensee, which must be furnished without charge.
4) Non-resident military personnel. A nonresident who is in the military and in training at Camp Ripley 
may obtain a resident license to take fish.
5) Non-residents stationed in the state. The DNR Commissioner may issue a resident license to take 
fish or game to a person in the armed forces of the United States that is stationed in the state.

b. Authorized Fishing Areas:
1) Due to firing and training activities, authorized fishing areas may be temporarily closed by 
permanent or temporary barriers. At no time is a person allowed to go around or tamper with any road 
2) Authorized fishing areas are: Mississippi River Rest Area 3 (Zebra Mussel and Faucet snail 
infested waters); Crow Wing River at Sylvan Dam (Rest Area 5) (Zebra Mussel and Faucet snail infested 
waters); Ferrell Lake; Round Lake (Rest Area 6); Lake Alott (Rest Area 4); Fosdick Lake; and Lake 1277 
(Rapoon Lake). Fishing in other areas of Camp Ripley is at the discretion of Range Control.
3) Travel to and from the authorized fishing areas in the FTA is limited to two routes, East Boundary
Road, and the Argonne /Luzon Road route to Round Lake.
4) All fishermen must check in at Range Control prior to entering the FTA. Range Control will issue a 
vehicle pass and, if necessary, will provide specific directions to authorized fishing areas. In the interest 
of safety and security, persons must designate which authorized fishing area they intend to fish. During 
periods when Range Control is not operational, fishing will only be authorized in the Cantonment Area 
unless otherwise coordinated with Range Control and Security.

e. Authorized Fishing Hours:
Due to military training and the requirement for Blackout Drive, fishermen may not enter the FTA prior 
to Sunrise, and must return to Range Control prior to Sunset or earlier by the discretion of Range Control 

f. Special Regulations:
1) Ferrel Lake: Blue Gill Sunfish limit is 5 (Release fish <6 inches.) Crappie limit is 5 (Release all <12 
inches). Walleye limit is 3 (release all 14-20 inches, only ONE can be over 20 inches)
2) Rapoon Lake: Walleye limit is 3. Bluegill Sunfish limit is 5 (release fish <6 inches) Crappie limit is 5 
(release fish <12 inches) Large mouth Bass (Release fish 14-20 inches, only ONE can be over 20 
 3) Ice fishing is permitted on authorized fishing areas. While icehouses are permissible, they must be 
removed each day. No vehicles are authorized to be on the ice of any lake within the Field Training 

g. Violations:
Failure to comply with this regulation may result in revocation of future fishing privileges on Camp Ripley.