Several podcasts have been recorded which answer many FAQ's from hunters. View them HERE or HERE

Welcome to Camp Ripley

New users, REVIEW THE PERMITS TAB prior to registering for an account in order to identify your user type. New users can then register for an account by clicking Login/Register above. Existing users select the Login/Register button to access your existing account.

REVIEW THE ALERTS/NEWS TAB for season dates and lottery windows

New Account Set-up Tutorial



1) Review permits and alerts/news tab

2) register/create an account using the iSportsman system.

​2) ​Obtain proper Camp Ripley or AHATS permits from my permits tab.

3) Check Area Status for OPEN training areas.


1) Check-in on iSportsman (You may do this at anytime after 12:01 a.m. on the day you intend to hunt. This does not have to be complete before you enter the installation but may improve your chances of securing a spot for the day.)

2) Ensure you have a valid ID, iSportsman permit, and MNDNR hunting license available when you reach the gate.

3) You may enter the installation through the East Gate or Main Gate.

4) Proceed to Range Control and pick up a vehicle pass. (View CR Entry and Camping map in MAPS tab of the drop-down menu for directions)

5) Once you have a vehicle pass and are checked-in through iSportsman you may enter the hunting area starting at ≈ 6:00 am. (Turkey hunters ≈ 5:00 am)


1) You must exit the hunting area by 8:00 p.m. (Failure to check out will result in a 48 hour ban)

2) Proceed to Range Control and return vehicle pass.

3) Check-out on iSportsman by 9:00 p.m. (Turkey hunters ≈ 7:00 pm) (Group check-out not allowed, each user must check-out)

CAMPING AND LODGING: The Deparcq Woods Campground is open to military ID card holders and Minnesota Dept. of Military Affairs employees and their guests only. Housing is also available to all on Camp Ripley for those not wanting to camp. Primitive camping is also available to all during hunting periods south of the Range Control office. Reservations and payments for all camping and lodging is scheduled through the Camp Ripley Housing office at (320) 616-3140. Hunters MUST check in prior to 8:00 pm Saturday thru Thursday, and prior to 9:30 pm on Friday. (View CR Entry and Camping map in MAPS tab of the drop-down menu for directions)  

TARGET SHOOTING: Target shooting is NOT ALLOWED anywhere in the cantonment area, campground, or hunting area.


a. Possession or transportation of personally owned firearms onto Camp Ripley is prohibited unless declared at the time of entry onto the installation and if the individual has appropriately documented/registered the firearm with the Department of Public Safety. 

b. Credentialled, actively serving, military or civilian law enforcement professionals who possess a valid photographic identification issued by the governmental agency for which the individual is employed as a law enforcement officer after declaration at entry are not required to register personally owned firearms with DPS. 

c. Personally Owned Firearms used for an authorized/sanctioned events after being declared at entry to CRTC do not need to register with DPS during the period of the event. 

d. All other personnel entering CRTC in possession of a personally owned firearm, including personnel with a permit to carry issued pursuant to Minnesota Statute 624.714 require a Camp Ripley Firearm Registration Form and a Privately Owned Firearms (POF) Policy Acknowledgement Form. Registration forms are available in Building 2- 203 Security Office and may be completed and left in the firearms registration drop-box. 

e. Carrying of Personally Owned Firearms on the installation is prohibited except by credentialled, actively serving, military or civilian law enforcement professionals who are permitted to possess and carry a concealed, personally owned firearm (handgun only) while off duty in accordance with their agency policy, for personal protection, not in the performance of official duties. This prohibition on the carrying of personally owned weapons includes all other personnel regardless of whether a state or county permit has been obtained. A concealed weapon is any instrument used or designed for the purpose of inflicting grievous bodily harm that is carried on the person in such a way as to be hidden from ordinary view. Folded knives with blades shorter than 3 inches are excluded from this definition. 

f. All personally owned firearms must be unloaded, cased, and be stored out of the public view in a locked vehicle on Camp Ripley per state statute. Removal from the vehicle is permitted only when actively participating in the sanctioned hunt or activity downrange. Personally owned firearms are not permitted inside any building. Individuals carrying a personally owned firearm and ammunition must adhere to state and federal laws. 

g. Any individuals found in violation of the privately owned firearms regulations are subject to punitive and/or adverse actions along with potential prosecution under the Morrison County jurisdiction. Direct all questions or concerns involving firearms to the Chief of Security at 320-616-3144

Do you have feedback on the hunting or fishing programs on Camp Ripley? We encourage your comments, concerns or kudos? Click here to provide your feedback!